Pandora Sphinx
Eumorpha pandorus 42” long / $280
(body shape slated for an update)
This caterpillar also comes in green, orange, or red/brown
Contains wire for support
Antheraea polyphemus 38” long / $380
Metallic highlights
Puss Moth
Cerura vinulais 36” long (body) / $300
This body can also be used to make various Furcula species
Acharia stimulea 26” long / $180
(body shape slated for an update)
Papilio troilus 30” long / $240
See this caterpillar in pre-pupate colors
Osmeterium can be hidden
Spurge Hawk Moth
Hyles euphorbiae 42” long / $380
(body shape slated for an update)
This caterpillar also comes in a lime green variation
Tomato Hornworm
Manduca quinquemaculata 42” long / $280
This caterpillar also comes in a black variation
Western Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio ruturus 30” long / $220
Osmeterium can be hidden