Thanks for your interest in a Giant Crochet Caterpillar!
Your name goes on the waiting list
There will be some discussion via email
The waiting part
You will hear from me again to 1. Alert you of an incoming invoice 2. Give you a precise start date. 3. Confirm your choices
NOTE: I invoice for the upcoming month around the 20th of the current month, so you will have 10-30 days to pay the invoice. I will let you know at the time.
You can check back to the waiting list to be sure I’ve received your payment and to see how I am progressing. There are four status updates: crocheted, assembled, packed, shipped
You will receive shipping notification and tracking number via email
Custom Work begins in:
June 2025
Waiting List is full at:
Approximately 40 Caterpillars
You can still be added to the Waiting List even when it is full. Sometimes there are cancellations or deferrals and I can plug you in. Any leftovers will be bumped to the 2026 List.
Due to the long Waiting List, this year orders will be limited to 1 caterpillar per person.